I video in questa sezione sono in lingua inglese.

Il nuovo documentario sulla storia ghassanide
The Royal Legacy (full documentary)
La nuova iniziativa della Casa Reale di Ghassan

Potete trovare molti altri contenuti sul canale One Voice for Christians

clikka sul pulsante sotto per accedere al canale

Why NOT you? by HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor
El Chemor the Royal Family of Ghassan – part 1 – the origins
El Chemor the Royal Family of Ghassan – part 2 – The rule in Lebanon
El Chemor the Royal Family of Ghassan – part 3 – The modern days
El Chemor the Royal Family of Ghassan – part 4 – The realms and titles
IDC – In Defense of Christians, Advocacy of the Christians of the Middle East
Why is the Christian population decreasing in the Middle East? by Dr. Joseph Kechichian
Dec 2019 HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor’s radio interview WGXC 90.7 FM Hudson NY